WOU CG 2024-25 DM Accessible - Flipbook - Page 22
Why do I need a cover letter?
Your Name Here
Address, City, State Zip Code
Phone number | Professional email
Use the same header
as your resume for your
cover letter.
Contact Person’s Name
Company Name
Company Street Address
City, State, Zip Code
Address the letter to a specific
individual, or if that is not
available, try “Hiring Manager” or
“Selection Committee”
Tailor your letter to the needs
of the company and the
requirements of the position.
Greetings Selection Committee,
First paragraph: State why you are writing: specify the position for which you are applying and
whether you saw an advertisement or heard about the position or company through a referral or
by reputation.
Second paragraph: Answer the question: “Why are you interested in this position and
organization.” Answer it from the perspective of the employer and what they are looking for in an
ideal candidate. Brieûy summarize why you are qualiûed for the position 3 use examples and
speciûc accomplishments to show your skills and experience, strengths, and accomplishments
and relate it back to how it will beneût the company. Highlight any special skills that make you a
more valuable candidate (like your desire to help others, your extensive experience in X, Y, Z, or
Be sure to tell the reader
your interest in a related ûeld or subject area).
WHY you want this
position. Have another
Third paragraph (optional): Use this paragraph to reveal more about yourself, while still
human read this before
keeping it professional. If you are a career changer, tell how skills developed during your
submitting it.
previous experience will be an asset to you in your new role (i.e. communication, management,
organization). You can also state how and why you are interested in this line of work or career
ûeld. Remember, do not include your whole life story, just the relevant experiences that will help
convey your passion and qualiûcations for this position.
Last paragraph: Express your sincerity, and once again summarize your top qualiûcations for
this position. Conclude by thanking the reader and mention that you are looking forward to
speaking with them further about how you can contribute to the company or department, and
restating your contact information.
Your typed, full name
▶ Exceed more than one page
▶ Address your letter with “To whom it may concern.”
If you cannot find who to address the letter to in the
job application, you should try reaching out to the
company via email or a phone call.
▶ Narrate all of your life-long dreams and ambitions
▶ Restate what is in your resume – this is your chance
to expand on skills you can bring to the company